Don’t let language barriers get in the way!
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At inlingua, we will help you live the language with our world-renowned language courses, given by native-speaking instructors in over 40 different languages.
General foreign language program which enables students to acquire structures and vocabulary progressively and efficiently so that they can communicate with native speakers on a number of essential topics.
Professional business program organized around actual, on-the-job situations so that students can communicate with their foreign colleagues and associates. Each unit has a clear theme with specific focuses on vocabulary and structure within a functional business context.
inlingua Business Program for French, German, and Spanish, which covers the language skills needed by people who deal with real-world business situations. Each module/workshop is designed for a specific business purpose, such as Negotiating, Presentations, Finance, or Business Correspondence. These courses can be taken separately or as supplements to inlingua’s Accelerated Professional Program (APP) courses.
This program is designed for those with foreign accents or native speakers with heavy regional accents and focuses on clarifying specific sounds, developing an ear for the language’s rhythm, and correctly applying intonation and stress.