Our method employs simple linguistic means to convey vocabulary and grammar in carefully planned progression:
You’ll learn by speaking.
This is why our games of questions and answers form one of our most important teaching techniques. Have the courage to make mistakes – otherwise, the teacher can’t correct you!
Early beginners’ lessons are at first exclusively oral.
This is to attune your ear to the new language and to help you imitate its sounds. During these first few lessons you should neither read nor write, since at this stage any differences between the sound and the look of the language could be confusing.
Each lesson consists of two main parts:
The first being oral introduction to new vocabulary and grammar. The material covered orally will then be read and reinforced with oral and written exercises. There are no translation classes, except in the upper level of our school.
Do your homework conscientiously and use the exercises as a basis for further work at home, particularly to improve your written language skills.
We wish you every success in a pleasant learning atmosphere!